Saturday, 9 January 2016

 RansMail #019  May 11th 2004
a)   Here's Brian's covering note regarding his weight & bal. programme which I've just discovered I forgot to put in with it (sorry Brian), as well as an update on his flying at Easter.

"I am attaching the weight and balance chart that was sent to PFA for the
last permit renewal. The spreadsheet recalculates as data is entered and
is very revealing when used as a "what if?" spreadsheet. Feel free to
disseminate to others if you like it. It is my work and no copyright
exists as far as I know.
I still have not been flying G-LZ. The field here is quite difficult and
I want to be able to fly out and practice landings in a level field
before returning home and landing here. Weather and conditions not just
right yet. I did however get a few hours in the Truster over Easter.

Brian McCartan, Banbridge. "
b)   And Ed has kindly written about his work, and some tips - (I didn't even know there were rivet removal aids to be bought).

"Progress on the S4:
If anyone remembers :<) a large dent was discovered in one of the leading edge wing spars, so I had to get some more tube from the States.
Well the aluminium (from Aircraft Spruce) has arrived.
There was some unexplained delay before it was shipped, but it is here now!
A word of caution: I was seriously stung by the agents importing it: £195 to get it from airside Heathrow to my door - outch!
I have subsequently found advertising a UK outfit:
They claim to be able to source all sorts of aircraft grade metal; has anyone tried them?
Back to the S4: I removed the old spar which involved drilling three s/s rivets. I have had to remove rivets before and it was a pain. So this time I bought a rivet removal tool from 'Light Aero' and it was a breeze! - No slipping drill bits, spinning rivets etc. The gadget fits over the rivet head guiding the drill and stopping the rivet from turning.
The next nerve racking stage is drilling the holes in the new spar.

I was looking back over what I've fixed on the a/c and there are a couple of things that might be of interest:
Vertical Stabiliser: Mine was wobbly when I bought the aircraft. This seems to have been a build error - The TG-VAT tube did not pass through the lower hole in the keel tube. Hopefully this was a one-off, but worth checking on your next pre-flight!
Undercarriage attachment bracket: My port undercarriage had been damaged / repaired in the past and I suspect this was missed, but again it might be worth other owners checking. Mine had a big crack leading from the bolt hole where it fixes to the fuselage longeron.
These are the little U shaped brackets at either end of the aft brace.

Propeller bolts: (thanks to Graham for his advice) wood had shrunk whilst in the hangar - bolts were loose >check them<.

Hope this is of some help,  Ed."
Please keep your info. and/or questions etc. rolling in, 

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