300 Kg SSDR is coming &
would helpfully embrace single seat Rans S4 & S5 'planes
The UK CAA have
produced this interesting document. http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=1350&pagetype=90&pageid=15117
The LAA say: Go to SSDR
Consultation, a covering letter from the CAA
with links to the complete Proposal package and Annex, and the email address for
individuals to comment.
Safety Data - UK CAA General Aviation Report for September
And their latest Radiotelephony Manual
Amendment 1, Edition 21 of CAP 413.
Gen ? Try http://www.jabiruworkshop.com/
Roger Lewis has
some interesting stuff on his site, not about
the latest edict but on the through bolt saga generally.
Wooden A/c Structure Courses by the Light
Aircraft Association
Available dates:
13th November
2013; 11th December 2013;
15th January 2014;
12th February
2014; 12th March 2014.
Cost £95 includes
lunch. Telephone LAA HQ on 01280 846
786 to check availability and/or book.
Richard Arkell's French
Both Jodel and Sherwood are OK and I have just fathomed
getting the battery to charge on the Sherwood. Flew it
Sunday afternoon with new electric carb heater and now operative regulator.
All quite satisfactory: I am starting to trust it a just a little more as it has
not shown much inclination to stop or otherwise misbehave. The temperature had
dropped quite a bit here over the last day or so and it was cool in the cockpit
plus cold on the hands. My last job will be to look at tailplane incidence or
perhaps fit a trim tab as it takes quite a bit of forward stick at 70mph 'fast'
cruise. With a microlight helmet and headset on it seems very quiet and smooth
engine-wise as most of the noise is wind noise. Otherwise my time has been taken
up plotting my next project, I need something challenging to think about. I
have currently, three contenders in reverse order; a Pitts S1 from bits in
Germany, a Piel Saphir with nearly complete airframe (very nice but too
expensive as no other bits with it and in pole position a mainly complete
Menestrel HN700 airframe. English blogs are interesting and informative but how
anyone finds time to build from scratch is a mystery to me. It is a lovely
little aircraft and these airframe parts are a bargain, but it does need a lot
of bespoke stuff to finish it like canopy, motor mount and gear where there is
no real choice but to buy most or all of those parts new, not to mention
sourcing a motor and prop. I am in the process of writing to Nicollier to see if
it can be converted to an HN800 Weekend 2 as the real market nowadays in
France is with ULMs. It would be cheaper to buy a new set of plans
than pay for the CNRA process. It looks touch and go that you could get it
legitimately light enough without using a Jabiru. Jodel have done this with the
D18/D185 but getting under 450kg with 2 blokes up and fuel must be a challenge
and probably would involve some inventive accounting. There is absolutely no
prospect of making any money, it is just therapy !
Ulrich Klausing, Canada (Rans S4 and Piper
I haven't to report much change about my own flying
though I was just home for a planned week off work: went up with the Piper
for a local flight with Richard, who lined us up a good deal on a flip flop
radio. I was planning to fly to Watson Lake (2hrs) or Haines
Junction & do some landings there, also planned to take the Rans up
too, to "burn the rust out of the engine". But on Monday I suddenly had to
return to work. The new wagon driver the company had hired went into a
ditch with the rig. He's lucky he is still alive. The tractor separated from the
trailers and burned to the ground. He must have jumped out before it hit the
bottom of the 30 feet deep ravine. Last I heard he was driving around in a
wheelchair in Ft.Nelson Hospital and asking for smokes !
3 days earlier Ken Rombough from Carcross
,Whitehorse delivered the town a stunt ,they probably won't forget that soon. He
landed his Seawind 2000 right in the centre of this little Alaska Highway
town. I met Ken again this year and 2 years ago, at Dan Reynolds fly
in at Dawson City. He usually flies his homebuild yellow
RV 9 (I think it is). See his story in the Fort Nelson News http://globalnews.ca/news/864103/breaking-plane-crashes-in-fort-nelson/
I did a low fly by at my place . This is a large pasture
. The owner is not using it himself , Kevin my neighbour has his five big
Belgian Horses on there and he wouldn't mind me I landing & would get
the horses into a coral. I will check it out first for rocks and other hazards.
My trailer is in the yellow bushes to the left.
Coming down to the Flying
Show ? 30 Nov - 01 Dec at Birmingham NEC (Geoff Weighell BMAA
Why not fly into Birmingham Airport and get EGBB in your log book?
Discounted handling fees by Signature Flight: Below 1 tonne £45.52 &<2 t.
£64.54 (+ VAT) includes parking up to 24hrs & transfer to/from the
International Train Station + a short walk through to the halls at the NEC.
Quote 'BMAA' to get the special price, conditions
apply, contact Signature Flight for details. Signature Flight Support- (EGBB)
Birmingham Airport ph.+44 (0) 121 782 1999 24H; e-mail bhx@signatureflight.co.uk
Prolific British a/c builder Dave Stevens
(Damyns Hall, Essex)
Has bought a Pulsar - an almost complete new/old
~1997 kit with Rotax 582 having the yellow bungs still in, 2
boxed props (wood and a ground adjustable) composite wing skins and L/E "D"
boxes, lots of blue and brown foam ribs etc. It's complete
except there are no main spars
! davestephens@dssl.co.uk
if you can help.
Last Sunday in September A
free LAA landing pass took the Rans S6-116
round London into Elstree. Then quickly onwards to
complete the Capital's encirclement to be back at base in time to meet
Jeremy Campbell who 'bladed' down to
Jackrell's Farm with 582 power non-stop from northern Lincs. in 4 1/2 hrs. He had very strong lumpy winds oop
north !
The same day Clive (Jab.
Escapade West Sussex UK).
Took off Hadfold
at 1120 hrs, wind straight up the strip at 10 kts
gusting 15 & a pleasant flight down to the coast. Flying directly downwind,
a comparison between ASI
and GPS indicated the wind was higher at 15 kts & gusts of 18. Nice air to fly in,
with very few lumps in it ! Called Sandown from Thorney Island and learnt they had 050 at
10 kts. Joining the circuit it was perfect to land
Lunch hour there, then headed back & the wind died off to a steady
8 kts as a trickle of planes came in.
The vis was not fantastic, but the wind certainly
wasn't an issue & landed back at Hadfold after a long straight in
approach & unremarkable cross wind.
Popham's 'End of Season' Fly-In last Sunday was
surely going to be rained off:
But the wx Saturday was really good, so instead
of waiting, flew over the Solent to Sandown for one
of Carla's famous bacon butties.
Rotax 912 4-stroke Vibration was down
to a very worn gearbox. (Rotax forum, Mark Jackson)
The splines were worn on the prop shaft and slipper
clutch, and the dogs worn on the drive gear.
Roger Lee adds: Gearboxes should last, but they need to be inspected at their regular inspection intervals. Many gearboxes with the proper maint. and care can last to TBO without any issues other than shimming, but improper care or lack of care can cause a gearbox to need heavy maint. prematurely if let go for any time. Things that can cause premature & vibration are:
wrong type of engine oil, too heavy a prop and/or prop inertia, failing to do your friction torque check at the 100 hr or get the gearbox serviced when the test results are too low to meet specs. Running the engine rpm too low on a regular basis, severely out of balance props. Prop strike checks are important to find abnormalities the eye can't see, just because it runs after a strike doesn't mean it isn't damaged.
Roger Lee adds: Gearboxes should last, but they need to be inspected at their regular inspection intervals. Many gearboxes with the proper maint. and care can last to TBO without any issues other than shimming, but improper care or lack of care can cause a gearbox to need heavy maint. prematurely if let go for any time. Things that can cause premature & vibration are:
wrong type of engine oil, too heavy a prop and/or prop inertia, failing to do your friction torque check at the 100 hr or get the gearbox serviced when the test results are too low to meet specs. Running the engine rpm too low on a regular basis, severely out of balance props. Prop strike checks are important to find abnormalities the eye can't see, just because it runs after a strike doesn't mean it isn't damaged.
Jackrell's Farm A looming Oak at 21 threshold, which hitherto made it
hairy flying in through the gap, has gone !
Approach to 21, Google
Earth, oak ringed.
Now opened up & only background woodland
NotamInfo site. http://notaminfo.com/
Dave Massie has added the Benelux countries, Norway,
Denmark and Malta to the international maps. No NOTAMs at the moment, but they
will be along as soon as this update settles down.
Gramet, a cloud/wx route forecast tool
(I've added it to my Touring links 'pack').
Free quick to use shows picture en-route cloud versus time - useful
for low level VFR too. http://www.ogimet.com/gramet_aero.phtml.en
Pete Skysail
in Sussex GB mentions really good discounts on PLB/EPIRBs
Mailspeed Marine (free
delivery but based near Crawley). He bought a McMurdo 220 at £100 off list price
(now £170). http://www.mailspeedmarine.com/search.bhtml?productNumber=&keyword=PLB&brand=&leaf=&x=0&y=0
Aviation (GB) supply AVGAS or UL91, delivered in bulk road tanker or ISO
container, and in drums.
Alasdair Ross, Rans
S6 performance 582 RotaxMy a/c is up and running &
going through yet more paperwork for the Flight Test bit,. I don't seem to
be able to find any official climb fig's at max all up weight ? We got
700/800ft/min mid September on a very warm 17 degree C, 80% humidity day.
Sandown, Isle of Wight's new owners have the official
opening of Carla's new cafe, Saturday 19th October. (Peter Jackson
Former wartime ATA pilot, Mary Ellis,
will be 'cutting the ribbon' to mark the opening of CJ's cafe new home, adjacent
to the tower. For those of you unaware, Mary was one of the
'Spitfire Women', who during her wartime service with the Air Transport
Auxiliary delivered many types of aircraft from factories to aerodromes
throughout the country. Read more of her experiences in Flying Against All Expectations Everyone is invited, please come along and show
your support for Carla and the team who worked very hard during the summer.
Normal menu service resumes at 12 noon.
New Readers welcomed this month are
Marcos Silva, Salto, Uruguay
My first language
is Spanish & I am a 44 years old, experimental aviation and ultralight
aircraft enthusiast , and have long wanted to build myself a small plane. I'm
starting to build Dave Edwards Affordaplane. http://affordaplane.com/. I've
considered the S4/S5 Rans but don't know if the plans are available
Tommy Thompson. Kitten & Hangar south-west of Pilot mountain state
park, Surry county, North Carolina
I'm 59 with a
private pilots certificate and a repairman living in North Carolina
with rolling hills
here and plenty of trees mixed with farm fields. I have been flying 42 years
& was a US Army 82nd Airborne Paratrooper doing demolitions
& now own a J3 Kitten with Mosler 4 cycle 37 hp & a 38:1 sailplane
as well. I built a small 40X40 metal
on the farm with a grass strip out back. I have Light Sport Certificate for
E-LSA planes too. I am thinking about buying a Rans S4 with a Rotax 503 and 30
hours on the
airframe & engine. It's nice trying to learn some things about them too.
Where can you buy replacement sail for the S4 and how much do they cost ? Aircraft Spruce use to have sails for $1700 but don't offer
them anymore.
video of my Kitten http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT5YH_yjZaM
Chris Bell. Currently I'm a learner. Finished 10 hrs
on Cessna 150's at Breighton under Mickey Kaye but have a couple of mates that
fly 3 axis who've been kind enough to give me some airtime (Kolb and a Xair).
I'm looking at lessons
with Rob Mckellar at Beverly as I work in Hull so should be able to get
some evening flights in.
Steve. I started my aviation
journey a few years ago with a foray into the light helicopters. After 20
hours circumstances and finances changed - I became a dad. Not
wanting to leave aviation entirely I test flew in a PA28 which I found
mundane but I'd still go for a fixed wing licence - after all I did enjoy
the views. On trying an Ikarus C42.... I was hooked... motorbike performance
with that raw feeling of not being sat behind a tonne of metal & a
year and a half due to the Welsh climate, completed my licence in 2013. Then
bought a run down CFM Shadow (G-MTHV), the engine was rusty
pieces in a box..... broken control rods and cables, holes in the wings, rotten
fuel tanks and an antique GPS system. The log book showed it had
only flown for 25 minutes in the last 13 years, nothing from 2000 and
then a check flight in 2011. Due to the myriad of missing components I opted to
buy a second CFM Shadow that had unfortunately been crushed in a hanger collapse
incident (G-MVRP).
So, where am I now? After fitting the engine, re-wiring the cockpit,
replacing the control rods and cables, replacing some instruments, swapping the
fuel tanks and a whole host of other little jobs I am tantalisingly close to
that Permit. Only a front tyre to change and do wing patches.
Here is a video of me running an engine test, I give no apologies for the
huge grin that I'm struggling to hide. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0Hi1s-J-H8
Francois van Loggerenberg.
BB -- 'Just South of
Reclassification of the London Control
Lee-on-Solent Aerodrome Traffic Zone
Old RansMails are now on line
courtesy Peter Greenrod. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4702449/Ransmails.pdf
Collected Rans S4
& S5 Tips http://ranss4s5tips.blogspot.co.uk/
Rotax practical owner help
RansClan forum http://www.ransclan.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?40-Engines
RansFlyers web http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RANSflyers/?yguid=339885221
Rans Aircraft USA site
From Tony Fowler
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