Wednesday, 27 January 2016

RansMail # 033 September 2004

a)   The included picture was from some of my first attempts at using a camera whilst P1, to show non flyers a little of what we see. I also tried some simple videos yesterday of the approach to my home strip and running through it later, it's useful to re-note the speed variations which though I knew of and corrected at the time, look quite 'bad' especially when I see it dropped to 35 for a while on very short finals before recovering to mid 40's.  I've been enjoying the good weather and recently been into three, new to me, Sussex strips.
b)   About mid august I received the following note from Mike Wyatt but a news update is still to come by me.

"Hi Mike - well, thanks very much indeed for inviting me into your Group. I am very excited - we plan to pick up G-MVXW on Saturday (i.e.21st Aug) as the forecast seems settled - for that day only!! It has lived at Wickwar in it's own little hanger; Stewart Read, who I helped build his S6 - 912 taildragger, will be flying it back for me, as this is, at 62, my first aircraft, and I don't have a license ( Yet! )
We are with the Zoyboyz at Weston Zoyland in Somerset - I actually live in Bridgewater, about 4 miles from the airfield. The immediate plan is for Stew to fly it home, whilst I bring it's trailer home behind my car - then Stew can shoot some approaches and evaluate how it compares - handling wise - to his S6, which he lets me fly with him quite regularly, lucky me! Last month he let me do a complete flight from W/Z to Sandown, landing there, then taking off again, and flying to Newton Peveril - he did the landing and take-off there as it was a little tight and new to me, then I took over and flew back and landed at W/Z again. Brilliant - it was one of those magical days - practically nil wind - it really made up for missing Spamfield this year!!
'XW, comes complete with trailer & she's done around 115 hours, with a Warp Drive prop, Rotax 447, new permit, and new fuselage and wing covers (not tail) about 40 hours ago, doors and wing tank.
I first saw it 3 weeks ago at the MW flyin near Cheddar, and fell in love with it there and then! Although Nigel Owens, it's co-owner, said it was for sale I didn't seriously consider it due to limited funds, so I dismissed it from my mind. The following Saturday the bugger flew it into Zoyland, so rekindling my interest - I think he must have had a plan! As it happens, Adam and Nigel are buying a Shadow from Zoyland, so it has all worked out very well.
I see from the G-INFO site that yours is MWFW, built the same year as mine - look forward to seeing her sometime. If you ever feel like an adventure you would be welcome to visit us at Weston Zoyland.
Regards,  Mike Wyatt."
c)   I have been trying to work out exactly how the points and ignition system function but lack a wiring diagram. If there is one around or a schematic it would be a help. This interest arises due to the ignition failure on a similarly Rotax Flex wing flying from Jackrell's at the end of July. The local BMAA Inspector told me on Monday that one of the coils can with age get low resistance and possibly short which cuts the ignition. This was his diagnosis and followed his own investigation of the literature as the boroscope inspection of the pistons/cylinders showed no explanation from temporary seizure for example.
d)   I had a look at the Rans 1990 'book' to observe with some comfort that the sloppy looking flaps when at rest is at least partly meant to be thus, as it says there should be approx. 2 inches droop. When I lift each flap by hand it rises flush with the neutrally set ailerons however if I gently lift both as if by the air stream the flap mechanism stops them coming right up ?? I looked in the fuselage at the base of the flap lever but couldn't determine if this was correct or how to re-adjust up. Maybe you know what should be and how to achieve it.
Vince thought it could be part of a cunning scheme to permit the flaps to naturally adopt a slight differential position in a turn to (I think that's what he said) allow the slower going wing to gain a bit more lift.
I did also try slow i.e 40 mph regime flight with one stage of flap extended and it certainly improves the steadiness, but then I wondered about the above mentioned limitation and if that small amount of drop could/does drag slow the plane down more than necessary in the up-flap setting ?? Any ideas on that ?
e)   Finally Graham Smith wrote to say he's not selling his S5 now.


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