a) I had a good look at
the Rotax book parts diagram and it looks as if the needle circlip goes directly on
top of the Bing carb. slide i.e. underneath
the white plastic spring retainer. Mine was
on top of
the cup, raising it a couple of m.m. so that would account for
the mid range richness, which has now been cured as of the last two flights.
b) At last Monday's
local microlight pub meet I heard the needle position mentioned.
According to a pundit, although the Rotax book still tells you to use the
2nd groove down from the top, the
to weakest setting, it's said that SkyDrive now recommend '3rd down',
which is richer again ? For the moment I'm staying
with Graham's CD "book" figure.
c) Miniature Dzus
cowling fasteners are hard to track down & I'd recently taken to using
locking wire round the holes where 2 screws had gone. Following Ed's
info. I e-mailed Saywells at
beginning of June, and as no other sources came up yet I chased them 6 weeks
later to be told :-
"Sorry emails to webmaster@lightaero.co.uk no longer go to Stephen. Please try either stephen@lightaero.co.uk or sales@lightaero.co.uk." I'm waiting for a fresh
Meanwhile another
flexwinger gave me Dzus' 'ph. number, who kindly sent me 4 samples of the
nearest stock they carry, which were fitted with washers cut from a piece of
inner tube to take
the slack. Otherwise they required a minimum order of 1,000.
d) Grass cutting
the strip is less frequent now the growth has eased off and can easily be left
for 1 1/2 weeks, the tractor's new radiator fitted with the correct low 4
psi cap seems to have done the
cooling the engine without the pressure being so high that it blows
water out through the pump gland which itself probably dates from 1948. Which
reminds me, my Emeraude friend
suggested a look on the French 'Avions a Vendre' site. I
saw a Luscombe for a reasonable price but horrified to note it was even older @
1946, than my ancient Ferguson.
Clearly a modern
microlight is a better bet & will have accumulated fewer snags &
e) There was also a Robin for 11k500 euros,
the year is 1986, so still older than my Rans, with vee tail and JPX engine,
which they said has a longer tbo than the Rotax, but I don't know it, or
whether it's a 4
f) A J3 Cub
from N.Ireland tied down last Wed. night at the strip, held up by
poor wx on its way to the French RSA. Eileen put up the pilot, Jeff Salter, he's the
first flying overnight visitor we've had. He's an ATC man who
thinks he must know you, Brian ?
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