RansMail #016 April 29th 2004
a) It seems we've settled down to 9 of us in the S4/5 e-mail group. What's the group's view should any more folk or if an aspiring owner or afficionado wished to participate ?
b) In the meantime being I'd like to reiterate my offer to anyone, but possibly a little difficult for those of us far off, who would care to fly in to Jackrell's Farm, nr. Horsham, Sussex. It is rolled & mown grass, 550 m between hedges on 030/210. In addition to my own S4, there are 3 flex wings based there. One of the owners was thinking of having a micro-light BBQ fly-in sometime, which could be an added incentive to come, otherwise any time an e-mail or phone call is fine. A Jodel & an Emeraude complete the resident a/c. I live about eight miles away.
Due to the closeness of another strip we do have to issue an approach map and guidelines, with a free calling frequency should you have radio. If you have access to fly something bigger, we accept most 2 seater light a/c.
c) Brian McCartan has sent me his own programme for doing Weight and Balance calculations, as you'll read in his covering note, we are all free to use it. I've already tried it out to see the effects of my proposed mod's.
d) Steering on the ground with the tail wheel has limits for this non fully castoring device, yet the Rans drawings I have from circa 1990 show solid links to the rudder arms. Mine has strong springs as one often sees on planes. I am now trying out a pair of slightly softer rate springs so when taxying the wheel can go to approx. right angles without heavily loading the rudder stops. So far, on one outing, so good.
e) Vince Hallam is back from 'Sun & Fun' and I was hoping to get a few words about it from him, vis-a-vis the Rans stand etc.
Mike Hallam.
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