Wednesday, 27 January 2016

RansMail # 038 October 2004
Dear All,

Just put the phone down to the Inspector, We have discovered a build fault on the longerons, just behind the seat.  The two tubes should have been butted up to one another, unfortunately, they have not.  I have sent some photographs to the inspector and I am asking if we can build oversize gusset plates so that we can spread the distance between the two holes.  The phone call sounded promising, but I will need to wait until he has studied the sketch and drawings.

If every on is on broadband I will attach the photos to an email, however, its about 9 megs so let me know.  (BTW I only have dial up so I know how long it takes to do the down load, still they may be of interest for everyone.  Please let me know.

I have also tracked down a number of photographs of S4’s off the internet.  One in particular appeals. See attached.   The Wheel struts have a ‘fill in’, it looks like a piece of fabric.  I quite like the look as it gives the S4 a Piper Cub look.  It may not appeal to everyone. Does any one have this on their machine?  The one in the photograph is a later model than mine so it may be this is an optional extra.

I would quite like to make the part for my S4.  But I guess I should check if it is ok to put the part in.  Can anyone shed any light?

Regards, Don

a)    I'm sorry to note that the flying season has finally been affected by the Autumnal rains and wind. The only good day here in Sussex was last Monday which I confidently yielded to repairing a hawthorn a puncture, picked up the week previous when hedge cutting the strip threshold & a needed brake reline to my Messerschmitt microcar. Unfortunately the forecasters were right this time & it did get bad, so G-MWFW has stayed under cover. Mice have taken a great interest in the internals of my hangar and the cupboard draws are seen as nesting zones, a few weeks ago they eat a hole in one of my map pockets. Luckily these are just home made cloth bags about 12 X12 inches with ties to the cockpit side lace holes. They let me carry a few simple items accessible whilst flying rather than dropping things inadvertently onto the floor...and away down the back.

b) Mike Wyatt has written explaining that his Rans has now gone to an Irish enthusiast, Jon Kilpatrick, who I'm pleased to welcome, as we're a tiny group at best. Below are their two e-mails. Jon's been appended to the distribution list, Mike wishes to remain on it too.

"Hi Mike - well, I'm sure you've heard - my ownership of MVXW didn't last very long!
I sold it to Jon Kilpatrick from County Donegal, who will continue to look after it well. I enclose an email from him, detailing his mega-journey home with it.
He has expressed an interest in joining our group - his email is :-
I would like to stay with this group if I may - I still think the S4/5 is a very nice little aircraft, and it was only family matters and my lack of a licence, and little prospect of being able to afford lessons in the near future that made me part with it. Mike Wyatt

Hi Mike,Sorry I haven't mailed you sooner.
We put a piece of tubing on to the towbar of the trailer in order to extend it so it did not hit the Xair boxes out the back of the van.
Worked really well on the good UK roads but broke on our way to deliver the 1st kit in County Kilkenny about 50 miles west of Dublin...... luckily enough minimal amount of damage done and we were near a workshop and had it repaired and on our way again.   Delivered the 2nd kit up in the North West in Co. Sligo and made our way back towards Donegal when the weld on the bar cracked a 2nd time .. less than 1/2 a mile from home, however we managed to tie up the trailer and make our way back... we arrived home at 2am.... some 22 hours of driving.. needless to say we were shattered.
XW is now resting in a carpeted garage where a good cleaning is being done, and replacing some bolts, nuts and fitting radio, GPS e.t.c to it.
I am very pleased with it, what I was looking for and the comprehensive paperwork makes it really worthwhile. I will be transferring the plane to my name soon, and the UK registration will remain as it is, I am looking forward to her 1st flight.
The weather up here in the North West is pretty horrible at the moment, rain and damp, but today Seamus & Myself flew the X-Air for almost 2 hours around the Donegal area when the rain finally gave up, it was lovely to be flying again.
I will send you pictures of the trailer mod (and failure !!) as well as some pics of XW when I get it rigged again at the strip. I will keep in touch.
I noticed some e-mails among the correspondence from a Rans S4/5 type group? I would like to be part of that too, Maybe you will forward my e-mail address to them through time, I do not want to be presumptuous and mail them.
Will be at Telford this year, may see you up there ? Do keep in touch,it was lovely meeting you and thanks for all you have done, it is appreciated. Jon.

c)   Graham Smith lent me his 'Operator's Manual' for the 447 with points ignition, for me to copy, its in Word now to reduce its Kb's but still quite a lot. If Graham doesn't mind I could e-mail selected pages if you need a copy.
He tells me he is going to move his hangar from where it's in the way, so as to lengthen the strip past his house, where it's rather narrow and put it up again near the new bottom end.

d)  Dave Cassidy's S4/5 conversion is now flying but he no longer needs it, as he has a Technam (?) which he's found easily gets out of his own strip. Thus that is for sale and with nose wheel conversion signed off and new Permit too. It's currently with Graham to keep it in use till it's sold or until the hangar is taken down.

e)   Don Lees e-mailed all the group members about an apparently curved top fuselage member to see if it was supposed to be like that. So when you're ready, Don, we'd all like to hear what the story behind it is.

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