Saturday, 9 January 2016

RansMail #003 March 13th 2004
I am pleased to welcome Graham Smith, who has said I could use his message as an introduction.
As you see his 'plane looks v. smart and we'll soon have yet ab another owner when he talks to Ed.
Here's the updated list, but it seems it doesn't yet have all the S5's on it:-
No. Regist'  PFA Serial No.   Owner  1    G-MVXW     193-11545   
2    G-MWBO    193-11583         
3    G-MWEP     193-11616     Ed Wallington, @ March '04, a/c location Dover? 4    G-MWES     193-11737         
5    G-MWFW    193-11662     Chris Soden, Dunkeswell, sold Feb.2004 to M.P. Hallam.
6    G-MWGN    193-11709     Bought Bedford Sept 2003 by V.H.Hallam, flown to Devon.   
7    G-MWIO     193-11774          
8    G-MWLA     193-11787     Brian Dowdle sold 010104 to Don Lees, N.London .(He says:-There is a bright yellow S4 based at Chatteris)
9    G-MWLZ     193-11887         
10  G-MWWP    193-12073     Rodger McKinlay 7946539311, selling (08Mar04) on AFORS: 447 Red/Yell with Icom, @£3,500.
11  G-MYWV     193-12826     Arthur Trapp sold 2003 to Dave Cassidy, Canterbury.
*Seen 08 March 04, AFORS ad. for another (presumably one of above) S4:
The seller, Rodger McKinlay said it's still for sale
& Not listed :-
       G-MWFF        ?           Tom Arnup selling, seen & rejected by Mike H.@ Eshott, Northumberland Feb.04, now back on AFORS! 
Plus  G-MPVJ      S4           Vince. Hallam saw Dec. '02, nr. Durham @ East Howle, Ferry Hill.
plus  G-MWGA    S5            Graham Smith @,Dover
"Dear Mike,
David Cassidy has given me your e-mail address. I understand you are an s4
owner. I have owned G-MWGA for nearly 2 years (s5). David has probably told
you that I am quite fond of this little plane. The first year I managed to
do a lot of flying in it , but in the last 6 months I have only done about
20 hours because I have another plane (s6) which is parked in the front of
the hanger and I tend to fly the one which is quicker to get out. I also
have G-MWEP in my hangar, which is being rebuilt by Ed Wallington. I can put
you in touch with him if you are interested. *Yes pls.*
You may be aware that there are 12 s4's and 6 s5's on the uk register. You
hardly ever see them around. I am hoping to take mine to Popham this year
but it will depend on the headwind. Any more than 15mph headwind and it
takes all day to get anywhere.
I note from your mail to David that your plane weight is 379lbs. I think
this must be a mistake.
The top tanks come in 2 nominal sizes. 12 lit and 16 litres.
You can tell which tank you have depending on the profile at the rear . The
12 lit tank goes to a point while the larger one has about 2 inches of flat
vertical at the back. In general, the nosewheel type must have the small top
tank while the tailwheel version (being slightly lighter) can have the
larger. Whatever the situation, you will be within one or two pounds of max
weight with a long range tank fitted. I suspect that your tank was removed
because of a perceived weight problem.
The empty weight of a s4/5 must be below 347 lbs in order to fit the top
tank. Unless you have cluttered up your plane with a load of gear, you could
not get to 379 lbs with or without the top tank. You can phone me about this
if you wish on 01304 827266 day or 825471 evening.
David says we can fly into your strip (sussex ?). I would like to do this if
possible. I am flying to spilsted farm very soon to see a friend and we
could kill 2 birds with one stone.
Hope this is some help to you.
Graham Smith

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